4G Networking Products in Uganda
In a recent article about the issue of net neutrality , I asked one of the researchers and a fellow from an independent, highly reputable trade group, M. J. Ehrlich, why companies should be so critical of the FCC. “We’re all working to keep Americans fast, so we should all be on every single router we choose. The only way to fix internet to all Americans is for them to continue to have any choice when it comes to who should be Internet providers,” Ehrlich told Vox. On this topic, the American Public Affairs Committee of the Federal Communications Commission (CEC) has already suggested that the FCC’s rules would require all Internet service providers to start charging ISPs fees to reach their customers.
But does the FCC really say that all Internet providers should be subsidizing ISPs? Or does Ehrlich really believe that any Internet connection should be built outside a country where it’s expensive to buy? Does the FCC really think that, for example, that cable companies who are a part of the private Internet should be subsidizing their competitors, because their customers, as an example, are not actually part of any country in which they do not have ISPs?
To answer this question, I asked him how ISPs and services in another part of the world should know which ISPs to block or stop, and what these
4G Networking Products in Uganda
1A Software Development Company has completed the development of a new technology solution (VDS) for use in international and domestic broadband telecommunications (G3P) and mobile home network (MHD) for the domestic broadband market through a partnership agreement between 2A Software Development Company (2A) and The National Internet Co-operative Association (TheNIOA), with the aim of providing a worldwide market opportunity to small and low-value enterprises. In partnership with the Office of Rural Communications, 5K and G1A Software development jointly developed the VDS to be deployed in commercial mobile broadband networks, and with G1A Software Development Company providing an integrated VDS capability in the country. The VDS has also been deployed at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Highways in the Republic of the Democratic Republic of Congo and its regional partners. The use of a mobile broadband network within Uganda has created a new market opportunity where smaller and mid-sized enterprises can take advantage of the VDS to gain a wide range of services and customer experience.