2013 Mercedes-Benz E400
The E400 M/A with a 5-power V12 gets a better mileage rating, with 2.3 hours and 5.5 minutes of highway cruising time. If you want a 5 hour car, the E400 AMG will be able to top that. It runs for four hours at about $500. If you think you’d like this for a while, you can grab it from Amazon.
The E400 M/A does a bit for about $600 more. On any condition the M2 will drive quite well for most people. If you’re looking for a longer drive and want to take your cruising to a maximum, then the E400 M/A offers that kind of extra boost.
2013 Mercedes-Benz E400 M-Type, which takes over the title tomorrow.
A new model with an “open” bodywork, as opposed to the standard E-Class, has been revealed, albeit one with a black Mercedes emblem. It is reported to be made from a 5.7-litre, V8 V6 V12 engine and is powered by a six-speed manual transmission similar to that used on a Maserati F-Class. https://cars45.com/listing/mercedes-benz/e400/2013