Accessories & Supplies for Electronics in Kenya

Accessories & Supplies for Electronics in Kenya
Accessories & Supplies for Electronics in Kenya
Now it is convenient to read from mobile phones!
Review of the new version of the operating system for smart watches Apple Watch. All about large-scale innovations and other, smaller-scale changes …
I really like AirPods of the first generation, and it’s already the third year that the case with them does not leave my pocket, so I decided to study all the changes under a magnifying glass and give you five reasons why you should buy them and why you shouldn’t buy them …
I have been using Airpods for a whole year and a half and today would like to share my thoughts on what I like about them, what annoys me and how, in my opinion, should be treated …
Simultaneously with the release of the final version of iOS 12, watchOS 5.0 was released for all compatible Apple Watch models. Similar to the new versions of iOS and macOS, the operating system for the watch has not undergone significant changes, but there are enough new functions, including quite useful ones …
Hello everyone, I have long wanted to prepare an article about headphones for Apple TV, because I myself constantly use both a TV set-top box and a variety of headphones. The fact is that the fourth generation Apple TV allows, like a smartphone, to use Bluetooth headphones, and this removes the eternal problem – everyone sleeps at home, I want to watch a movie, TVs with Bluetooth are tight, so the set-top box saves …
I perfectly understand, the topic is not the most popular, but I look at the people around and sometimes I pay attention to what accessories someone uses. And it seems that most of the covers were bought somewhere in the transition, as if normal manufacturers do not produce interesting models, as if there is some kind of block, the program: “I bought a smartphone for 60,000 rubles and now I’ll go to the transition for a cover” …
The traditional annual appeal of Apple executives to developers and to us mere mortals, let’s take a quick look at what they showed. Of greatest interest are iOS and macOS …
Glasses for smartphones are slowly replacing film from the market – if you have been using mobile devices for a long time, you probably know a lot about it …
An interesting accessory for the iPad Pro – unlike other manufacturers of portable keyboards, which often adapt ordinary accessories to tablets, Apple has created a gadget from scratch and only for the iPad Pro …
After a week of use, I hasten to tell you everything I know about Apple’s new accessory – a case with a built-in battery for iPhone 6. It is called Smart Battery Case, made of silicone, doubles the operating time of a smartphone and solves many problems …
We are dealing with a new Apple TV set-top box, not updated, but a new one – yes, you can still rent a movie for the evening, but you can also install, if you wish, karaoke and sing on the TV, or play, or watch “Comedy Club” and the series “Fizruk” …
Apple Watch software update: night mode, new dials, FaceTime calls and work away from the iPhone – we are dealing with innovations plus discussing watches. I tried to make a test for those who are going to buy an Apple Watch …
Hello dear readers! Just the other day, Apple Watch Sport came to me, so now from time to time I will prepare for you a selection of software not only for iOS, but also for watchOS. Today’s release is a pilot, so in it I will talk about watch apps from the most famous services …

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